Children on a slide! That might sound fun, but not if we are discussing the summer slide, also known as summer loss in academics which affects many of our children in Alabama schools. Summer loss isn’t a myth. Research indicates that up to 2.6 months of math skills and 2 months of reading skills may be lost over the summer. In Madison City Schools, we are addressing this academic concern through our Title I Parent Engagement Program. Through the Title I parent engagement set-aside, Madison City School District was able to hire a parent liaison whose focus is to help parents better assist their children in being successful in reading and math. Last spring the Title I schools hosted their first Summer Slide Prevention workshops for Title I parents. This spring we will host our second annual parent workshops to target summer loss in reading and math. The workshops model activities and share information that parents can explore with their children over the summer spending a few hours each week with intentional practice. Parents have an opportunity to talk with other parents and educators about any difficulties their child may be experiencing, and are given supplies to use with their children at home. Information about the workshops this spring will be shared with parents and community by each of the Title I schools. Parents and educators teaming up to help children strengthen their academic skills is a win-win for everyone!
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